Empowerment | Growth | Success

Empowering Scaling Solopreneurs to overcome growth challenges, streamline operations, and unlock new income streams through strategic coaching, mindset shifts, and access to a wealth of business resources.

Struggling with Scaling Your Business?

Your ambition fuels you, but the complexity of growing your business is overwhelming. You might feel stuck, on the brink of burnout, and unsure of how to navigate the roadblocks that stand in your way. But remember, you don't have to do it alone.

Discover the Power of Perspective with Damian Nordmann

I offer solopreneurs like you the perception, perspective, and objectivity you need to identify your problems and find effective solutions. Together, we can shift your mindset, helping you believe in what's possible and create a strategy for growth that aligns with your vision and values.

Unlock Your Potential with Proven Strategies & Resources

Through my extensive network and toolbox of resources, I can connect you to the strategies that will help your business grow easier, faster, and with more fluidity. Let's explore new avenues for income, from authorship and podcasting to group coaching and courses, and develop the habits that will attract clients and abundance to your business.

Ready to Scale Your Business with Success and Ease?

Avoid the burnout that comes with scaling and start approaching your business with renewed purpose. Connect with me today and let's start your journey towards successful, sustainable growth.


Revenue Growth

I'll guide you through strategies to multiply your revenue and attract more clients.

Time Management

I'll help you streamline your strategies and systems to free up your time.

Marketing Guidance

I'll assist you in identifying cost-effective marketing strategies tailored to your needs.

Goal Realization

I'll help accelerate the manifestation of your business goals and broaden your vision.



As a business coach, I assist entrepreneurs, CEOs, and leadership teams to scale their businesses and reach their professional goals.


Beyond just improving your mindset, I'll teach you how to reshape your reality using the Unified Way and its seven principles. Mastering these principles will enhance your life, making it easier, more joyful, and prosperous.


"I made $15,500 in one week from working with Damian!  Damian helped me write a book and craft a group coaching program that teaches others how to create lasting fulfillment.  Since then, I’ve made over $100,000 from this program as a side business.

Damian has also helped me to expand my thinking and dream bigger about my business and life goals.  Not only that, but he also helped me to ground these big ideas into steps that have enabled me to manifest more money and time than I thought possible.

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, and I always wanted to become a spiritual coach as well.  Damian’s guidance and mentorship has been pivotal in this process.  

Damian also taught me how to integrate work, marriage, and motherhood into one experience.  I now feel like I can just be Cassie in all environments. - Cassie Korte:
Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor, Saint Louis, MO. 

"As a Director with Mary Kay, my team is very important to me.  That means that people in general are also very important to me.  Damian helped me to realize that I am indeed a Connector.  He also helped me to not only draw upon my own strengths, but to also focus on the strengths of all of the people on my team.  This helped me to grow my team and serve them, as well as all of our clients.

Damian also showed me the value of surrounding myself with people of like-mind as well as mentors and those who can contribute to my vision.  Damian coached me to attract more relationship builders as well as how to put each team members’ strengths to the greatest use.

While working with Damian I learned to focus on the One Thing that was most important at any time in my life and in my business.  This concentration and focus has proved invaluable time and again.  

I have now shifted my focus and I allow my team to lead things so that I can spend more time with my husband and other loved ones.  I’m fulfilling life goals to gain new experiences and we are traveling all over the world including parts of Alaska, Europe, and Africa! - Connie Burch:  Mary Kay Director, Champaign, IL


What are the most common problems you solve as a business coach? 

While much of my background is in mindset, personal growth, self development, and self transformation, I’ve also learned, practiced, and coached in various areas of business. 

Here are the main ones:  

-Reprogramming limiting beliefs into an unstoppable mindset. 

-Transforming those pesky habits that are no longer serving you. 

-Developing a business plan that includes maximizing your marketing in the areas that work best for you so you can keep your pipeline filled with clients / customers.  

-Retaining and/or turning customers & clients into repeat customers and clients. 

-Leveraging leadership, technology, and mindset so you work less IN your business and more ON your business as its CEO. 

-Getting you connected with resources that I DO NOT specialize in so your business can grow holistically. 

-Combining all of the above so you can scale your business successfully and with peace of mind thus increasing your revenue and making you wealthier. 

How do I know if Phoenix Dragon Coaching is right for me and my business? 

There are a few traits I look for in clients as to your readiness to be coached and to truly make a difference / transformation in your business.  

1) A belief that your business and/or role can be even better than it currently is 

2) An appreciation for outside perspective and collaboration 

3) A desire to be proactive and intentional about improvements 

4) A commitment to challenge yourself in the spirit of better results   

I also look for good chemistry and communication between me and my future clients.  In addition to the list above, we want to have a good intuitive flow and feel that the work we do together will be productive and enjoyable.  

What is the structure and frequency of the coaching program?

This varies according to each client’s needs, however I typically use a simple structure that works for most people / businesses.  It looks like this:  

-Two one-to-one meetings per month for 60-90 minutes.  These can be face to face, Zoom calls, or phone calls. 

-Voxer access to me throughout the month to ask questions, explore challenges, celebrate wins, and receive insights that I have in between our meetings. 

How much time is required? 

It takes additional work and effort to increase results and improve any situation.  I am passionately committed to ensuring that each client develops more effective ways of utilizing their time so they can successfully focus on progress in key areas.  

Before engaging in the coaching process, you should anticipate investing approximately 2-4 hours each week through a combination of meetings and/or dedicated time on the priorities identified. 

How much does it cost to hire Phoenix Dragon Coaching? 

The investment you make for coaching as a business owner is determined by the anticipated workload and regular meeting schedule.  With that said, I typically charge between $500 - $1,500 per month depending on time, specialization, and other factors. 

What is the ROI on your coaching program?

Getting a return on any investment is important.  Your experience with a business coach is truly two-sided.  I’m committed to giving you my absolute best. I’m also devoted to helping you to not only discover WHAT will give you the results that you are looking for, but also HOW to go about achieving them.  One of my first goals for you is to help you bring in extra income each month to cover my coaching fees and much, much more. 

How long are coaching contracts? 

At present my coaching agreements allow either the owner of the coach to discontinue the process at any time.  With that said, those who stay with me as their coach for a year or longer always see the greatest benefits, growth in revenue, increase in clients / customers, and personal transformations.